Personal Growth, Professional Success: Coaching for Real Life

Growth, Mindset, Wellbeing

Find Your Path

Life is full of possibilities, but sometimes, finding the right path forward can be challenging. Whether you're feeling stuck, seeking clarity, or ready to embrace a new direction, I’m here to help you discover what's possible.

My coaching approach is designed to bring out the best in you by focusing on what truly matters—your values, strengths, and aspirations. Together, we'll clear away the noise, identify what’s holding you back, and create a roadmap that leads to a more fulfilling, purpose-driven life.

Are you ready to step into your potential and live a life that truly resonates with you? Let's take that first step together.

“Carey has provided a safe space for facilitating the growth I have wanted to see & feel in my life & business. She has been such a support system as I’ve pushed through my comfort zones & a cheerleader when I’ve achieved big & small wins.”

Lottie Woods, Slow Fashion Designer & Consultant, Lottie Woods Design


Do any of these sound familiar?

Stuck in the Same Routine: Every day feels like a repeat—same tasks, same frustrations. You know there’s more you could be doing, but you’re not sure how to break out of this cycle.

Struggling to Prioritise: You have too many ideas and too little time. Between work deadlines, family obligations, and trying to maintain some semblance of a social life, you feel like you’re constantly treading water.

Burnt Out and Worn Down: You’re running on empty, waking up tired, and finding it hard to muster the energy for anything beyond the basics. You’ve tried to push through, but it’s getting harder to ignore the toll it’s taking on your health and happiness.

Hesitant to Take the Next Step in Your Career: You know you’re ready for more—a promotion, a career change, or starting your own venture—but fear of failure or uncertainty about the right path is holding you back.

Out of Sync: You’re working hard, but something feels off. Your job, relationships, or lifestyle just don’t seem to reflect who you are or what you really care about anymore. You’re yearning for a change but feel stuck.

Feeling Overwhelmed: Life’s demands are piling up, and it’s becoming harder to keep everything in balance. The stress of trying to manage it all is leaving you feeling stretched too thin and unsure of where to start.




How it works:

Now booking for Autumn/Winter 2024


One to One Coaching

My one-to-one coaching offers the focused support you need to create lasting change. In 1.5-hour sessions held every two weeks, we’ll dive deep into your goals and challenges, working together to develop strategies that drive meaningful progress.

The Process:

  1. Free 30-Minute Consultation: We’ll begin with a no-obligation call to get to know each other and ensure we’re a good fit. This is your chance to share your needs and goals, and for us to discuss how coaching can help you achieve them.

  2. In-Depth Pre-Coaching Questionnaire: After our initial call, you’ll complete a comprehensive questionnaire that helps us dive deeper into your current situation, what you hope to achieve, and any specific areas of focus. This ensures our coaching sessions are laser-focused on your goals.

  3. Six Bi-Weekly 90-Minute Sessions: Every two weeks, we’ll meet for 90 minutes to work through your challenges, explore your strengths, and develop practical strategies tailored to you. Each session builds on the last, providing momentum and clarity as you move toward your goals.

  4. Session Notes & Resources: After each session, you’ll receive detailed notes and personalised resources to reinforce your progress and keep you on track between meetings.

  5. Accountability & Follow-Up: Regular check-ins will help you stay accountable and maintain momentum as you work toward your goals.

Results You Can Expect:

  • Clarity and Direction: We’ll cut through the noise to focus on what truly matters to you.

  • Increased Confidence: You’ll build confidence through self-discovery and practical strategies, empowering you to make decisive moves.

  • Sustainable Growth: Our work together is about creating long-term, meaningful change that supports both your personal and professional life.

Whether you’re navigating a career shift, developing leadership skills, or seeking a better work-life balance, my one-to-one coaching is designed to guide you toward the future you envision.


One Off Deep dive

If you’re facing a specific challenge or need clarity on a particular goal, my one-off deep dive session offers focused, personalised support to help you gain immediate insight and direction.

The Process:

  1. Free 30-Minute Consultation: We’ll begin with a brief consultation to clarify your objectives for the session, ensuring we’re aligned on what you want to achieve.

  2. In Depth Pre-Coaching Questionnaire: Before our session, you’ll complete a pre-coaching questionnaire to help us identify your key challenge or goal. This ensures that our time together is highly focused and effective.

  3. The Deep Dive Session: During our 2 hour session, we’ll zero in on your primary issue, exploring it from all angles. The conversation is tailored to your needs, providing you with clarity, actionable strategies, and a clear path forward.

  4. Session Notes & Resources: After the session, you’ll receive a summary of our discussion and any additional resources that can support your progress as you implement the strategies we’ve developed.

Results You Can Expect:

  • Immediate Clarity: Gain a clear understanding of your next steps and how to tackle your challenge effectively.

  • Focused Solutions: We’ll develop practical strategies that are directly applicable to your situation, helping you move forward with confidence.

  • Empowerment: Leave the session feeling empowered and equipped with a solid plan to address your challenge.

Whether you’re navigating a specific problem, need a quick reset, or are seeking targeted advice, this deep dive session is designed to give you the clarity and momentum you need to move forward.

From my clients


“Carey inspired and challenged me every session and gave me some incredible insight into who I am, and how to ensure my work was a sustainable, creative and fulfilling endeavour that worked for me and my family.”


“"I am more confident, less anxious and about a thousand times less apologetic. Coaching has transformed the way I feel about my work and myself.”


Carey helped me to unblock things I had been struggling with for a long time. She gave me the confidence I needed to expand my business and move into something I had only dreamed about doing until now.


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My Coaching Philosophy:

My approach to coaching is rooted in the belief that everyone has the potential to lead a life that aligns with their true values and passions. I’m here to guide you through the process of discovering that potential and taking tangible steps toward your goals.

  • Here’s what you can expect from our work together:

    • Empowerment Through Clarity: Together, we’ll cut through the noise and identify what truly matters to you, helping you gain the clarity needed to make decisions that are in alignment with your values and aspirations.

    • Strategic Goal Setting: We’ll set intentional and meaningful goals, ensuring they are not just aspirations but actionable steps you can take toward achieving the life you envision.

    • Overcoming Barriers: Whether it’s imposter syndrome, self-doubt, or limiting beliefs, I’ll support you in overcoming these barriers, so you can step into your power with confidence and authenticity.

    • Holistic Approach to Wellbeing: Your overall wellbeing is a priority. We’ll work together to cultivate a sense of peace and balance in your daily life, integrating tools to make you feel better into your personal and professional journey.

    • Effective Communication and Leadership: I’ll help you develop the communication skills necessary to inspire and lead, whether in your personal life, career, or creative endeavors.

    • Customised Strategies: Every individual is unique, and so is my approach. I’ll create a customizsed coaching plan tailored specifically to your needs, ensuring that our sessions are relevant, impactful, and actionable.

    • Sustained Growth and Development: My coaching is not just about short-term wins; it’s about fostering long-term growth. I’ll equip you with the tools and strategies to continue your development long after our coaching relationship has ended.

    My goal is to create a supportive, non-judgmental space where you can explore your deepest goals, confront challenges, and celebrate your successes. Together, we’ll work to unlock your potential and guide you towards a fulfilling, purpose-driven life.

“Having worked with other coaches throughout my career, it only became clearer how exceptional Carey truly is. If you have the opportunity to work with her, seize it—you won't regret it”

Jérémy Richert, Global Talent Specialist, Mars Inc.




Is This You?

Here’s What My Clients Have Achieved in Real Life

Are you at a pivotal moment in your life, facing big decisions or feeling uncertain about your next steps? Do you crave more clarity, confidence, or balance in your day-to-day? If so, you’re not alone. My coaching has empowered clients like you to navigate these challenges and emerge stronger, more fulfilled, and successful.

Here’s who typically finds success with my coaching:

Emerging Leaders: Those stepping into leadership roles, eager to refine their skills, build confidence, and make a meaningful impact.

  • Client Result: A client successfully transitioned into a leadership position and built a dynamic, thriving team that drove significant organisational growth.

Career Transitioners: Individuals ready to take the next step in their careers, whether it’s securing a dream job, pivoting industries, or launching a new venture.

  • Client Result: One client made a bold career change, landing a role that perfectly aligned with their passions, resulting in a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Small Business Owners: Entrepreneurs ready to expand their offerings, increase their profits, and grow their businesses.

  • Client Result: A small business owner finally introduced a new product she had been hesitant to launch, which led to a significant increase in profits and expanded her market reach.

Creatives Seeking Direction: Professionals in creative fields who feel stuck or disconnected from their work, looking for fresh inspiration and direction.

  • Client Result: A client who had been procrastinating on a creative project finally found the courage and clarity to bring it to life, resulting in a successful showcase that opened up new opportunities.

Individuals Facing Burnout: Those struggling with stress, overwhelm, and burnout, seeking ways to restore their energy and joy in life.

  • Client Result: Through tailored coaching, a client overcame burnout, implemented sustainable self-care practices, and achieved a balanced lifestyle that supported both personal and professional growth.

People Desiring Personal Growth: Anyone feeling trapped by self-doubt, imposter syndrome, or limiting beliefs, looking to break free from these barriers.

  • Client Result: A client who struggled with imposter syndrome gained confidence and clarity, leading to not only personal fulfillment but also significant professional achievements.

If you see yourself in any of these stories, my coaching could be the catalyst you need to achieve your own remarkable results. Together, we can unlock your potential and help you reach the outcomes you’ve been striving for.

What it’s like working with me

My job is to support you on your journey with personalised coaching tailored to you and your needs.

I facilitate a safe and trusting space for you to explore what has been going on for you, unpick the mindsets that are holding you back and guide you in defining what success really means to you.

Sessions are an hour and a half and will be a judgement-free zone, my coaching style is down to earth, informed and practical. It is my goal to support you in finding your own solutions and empower you in taking the necessary action to see the changes you want to see in your life and career so you can flourish.

I follow best practice and prioritise my own continued professional development to be able to deliver to you the highest quality ethical coaching and facilitation.

Together let’s get you feeling…



Find the clarity and direction that aligns with your unique path.



Break the mold, embrace your talents, set boundaries, and prioritise your well-being.



Foster meaningful connections with yourself and what matters most to you.



Ride life's waves with less stress and discover peace and joy in your everyday.

 Ready to go? Here are the options


one to one 12 week coaching



Kick-Off with a Comprehensive Pre-Coaching Questionnaire

Bi-Weekly 1.5-Hour Coaching Sessions

Personalised Action Plans

Detailed Session Notes & Tailored Resources

Ongoing Email Support

2 hour deep dive



Insightful Pre-Coaching Questionnaire

Focused Two-Hour Coaching Call

Actionable Insights & Strategies

Comprehensive Session Notes & Personalised Resources

Follow-Up Email Support




  • As your coach, my role is to support you in defining and achieving your goals. Coaching is a collaborative process, distinct from mentoring, where advice is often given. Instead of telling you what to do, coaching involves using various tools and techniques to help you discover the most empowering solutions for yourself.

  • Our sessions will take place via zoom.

    If you are based in the South West, please get in touch if you are interested in in-person coaching sessions.

  • Yes you can spread the cost of your payment, please get in touch to find out how.

  • I believe coaching is for everyone. If you are interested in coaching with me but currently have financial restraints please get in touch to discuss bursary places.